Imagine the first day of middle school in the new school year. The younger students are nervous because they’re the newbies and the older students are more relaxed because they’re not the newbies. Then the first day for all the students goes into a tailspin when someone calls in to the school with a threat.
The voicemail message said the caller planned to,
“Shoot-up the school and kill everyone.”
Has your child’s school gone into lock-down mode because of a threat? It’s very scary and getting scarier.
In the eyes of the law, it doesn’t matter if the threat is credible, retaliatory or a prank, it’s against the law.
The police responded to the middle school and did a sweep of the campus looking for explosive devices—none were found. They also increased the police presence at the school.
Two men were questioned regarding the threat. One man told the authorities that the two men had been playing Truth or Dare when the other man phoned the school with his threat. The police arrested the man.
Rather than go to trial, the man who’d placed the threatening call pleaded guilty to creating a terrorism hoax—a felony. The court sentenced him to two-years in prison followed by three years of probation.
Source: Norman Police Department Press Release, The Norman Transcript, CBS Oklahoma’s Own News 9