The six-year-old's father did not know when he dropped off his son at school it would be the last time he saw him. He’s been missing for ten years.
The boy’s mother and father were no longer together. Shortly after his father dropped him off at school, his mother picked him up. His father should have picked him up at the end of the school day.
Mother and son drove approximately 450 miles in three days. On the first and second days security cameras saw them together. The third day, security cameras saw the mother alone at various locations. On the fourth day, maids at the hotel where the mother had stayed found her deceased in the room. She’d committed suicide and left a note saying her son was safe and with people who would care for him—and that he’d never be found. If you or someone you know travels the stretch of road between Wisconsin Dells, WI (where he was last seen with his mother) and Rockford, Ill (where she was last seen alone), please pass this link to them.
Eight years later and several states away residents in a neighborhood found a 14-year-old male confused and claiming to be the boy who had been missing for eight years. He explained he’d escaped his captors who had been sexually and physically abusing him.
The authorities took him to the hospital to be checked and to obtain a swab for DNA confirmation of his identity. DNA proved he was a 23-year-old ex-felon who’d served time in prison for burglary and vandalism. He’d been released from prison one month prior and was no relation to the boy who is still missing.
A Grand Jury indicted him and he pleaded guilty to aggravated identity theft. The court sentenced him to 2 years in prison.
Worth Mentioning: He had two prior incidents where he claimed to be a juvenile victim of sex trafficking.
Source: U.S. Department of Justice, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, The Charley Project, KDKA CBS Pittsburg